2551 Electric Miles
Edinburgh - Monte Carlo - London - Edinburgh

Destination within range
With the right planning you can travel long distances. We traveled from Edinburgh - Monte Carlo - London - Edinburgh in 60 hours to show anything is possible with an Electric Vehicle.

Our epic EV trip was an amazing experience.
With you for every step
Our starting point for this trip was Edinburgh Castle and not just the street in front or the car park. Actually inside the castle itself! The lovely people at Edinburgh Castle kindly let us take the car inside and be waved off from this stunning backdrop, to start the amazing road trip.
The end point I hear you cry? London, but this being an adventure with the pluginadventure team its not this simple, so we went via...Monte Carlo, outside Casino-de-Monte Carlo to be precise!
2551 miles of pure electric vehicle driving in 60 hours. Below you can see tweets and photos from our epic journey.
#MonteCarloEV TweetsSCOTTISH businessman,Terry Mohammed has completed his epic 2551-mile journey from Edinburgh to Monte Carlo and back.
Terry, who was accompanied by his friend and co-driver Chris Ramsey, managed to complete the journey in an amazing 60 hours. The feat is even more impressive when you consider their car was an all-electric BMW i3 with an electric range of just 80-100 miles.
Chris said: “The opportunity to drive to such a beautiful city as Monte Carlo was one I just could not turn down.The charging infrastructure in the UK is extremely reliable but the Continent was a bit of an unknown for me. So when I met Terry and we discussed the plans I jumped at the chance.”
Having such a short range did cause a few issues, the pair having to stop and recharge the car 36 times.
Chris said: “Stopping and charging wasn’t the problem, it’s turning up and the charger not working or a petrol-powered car being parked in the space obviously not using the charger.”
Terry, 37, has a passion for all things electric vehicle related due to his business BMM Energy Solutions Ltd, who install the charging points for them all across the UK. Having another like-minded person on board such as Chris, who runs Plug In Adventures and took on the North Coast 500 around the Highlands earlier this year in a Nissan LEAF, was therefore vital. A delay in finding a working charger in Calais caused the duo a 2.5-hour delay and, with a little confusion thanks to a sat nav problem, they lost an extra 30 minutes.
This meant when they reached Monte Carlo they had just 45 minutes to take pictures at the marina, drive through the F1 tunnel then park outside the world famous Monte Carlo Casino and Hotel Du Paris. A journey of 2705 miles after diversions without a drop of crude oil anywhere to be found, proves electric power is here to stay.
Terry said: “My only regret about the trip was driving so far to such an amazing place to turn right around and head back. However, we had a challenge to prove and a host of doubters to prove wrong.”
The return leg went seamlessly and, thanks to growing public interest in their trip, the pair were invited by BMW UK to the Formula E ePrix in London to talk about their journey. Despite these mishaps, the pair achieved their great goal. And in doing so, they completed another goal – raising awareness of electric vehicles and proving you can drive one anywhere.
A journey that actually totalled 2705 miles after diversions without a drop of crude oil anywhere to be found, proves electric power is here to stay.
Members of the public should not attempt to do this however. Such a lengthy journey with sleep deprivation can be dangerous.
Read the original article by Aidan Rennie-Jones, Daily RecordGallery
Some of our photos taken along the journey. All images are © Copyright 2016 BMM Energy Solutions / Plug in Adventures. All rights reserved